
Have you ever made a conscious decision to change a behaviour, habit or response only to find yourself doing it again and again? Then wonder why you can’t seem to change no matter how hard you try?

When attempting to change a behaviour or habit, it is common to rely solely on the conscious mind. However, the conscious mind is only responsible for a limited portion of our actions. It can analyse situations, make decisions, and form intentions, but it often lacks the power to override deeply ingrained patterns within the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is the powerhouse of automatic responses, emotions, beliefs, behaviours, habit and past experiences. It operates beneath our awareness, influencing our daily choices and actions. When we try to change a behaviour, habit, or response without addressing the underlying programming in the unconscious mind, we will find ourselves falling back into old patterns despite our conscious intentions.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that helps in changing ‘programming’ at the unconscious mind level. It targets the root cause of behaviours, habits, or responses, ensuring long-lasting change.

The beauty of hypnotherapy lies in its ability to quickly address the root cause at the unconscious level which promotes genuine and lasting behavioural change.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

C.J. Jung